לנגדי תמיד
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B’shalach 5781

In depth discussion

The world begins with music and doesn’t end, with music.

If we want our accomplishments to be eternal, they must be musical. They must have taam טַעַם. 

Biblical passages said should be to the correct tune.This captures the full message.
One should learn all four categories of Torah daily.Not to neglect the vital neshama component of Torah.
All brochos should be said to a tune.This maximizes their effectiveness.
Learn the meaning and reasons of mitzvos. This allows the mitzvos to be eternal.
Shir Hashirim before Shabbos. Every aliyah requires shira.
Sing or chant all the zemiros of Shabbos you can.Shabbos is the day of eternity.
Sing songs composed by tzaddikim. This connects you to them.

Q&A Followup