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It’s Shovevim Man

It’s Shovevim Man

You’ve got hostages to rescue


Possibly billions

One week down

How many have you freed?

Some say it requires an army


Reb Elimelech says

צריך האדם להיות בשמחה


Is built on subtleties


Past Vaera Shiurim

OS Va’era 5776 Hakaras Hatov
OS Froggy 5780
OS Nissim 5777

Yeshivas Rashbi

Chatzos Kollels have become popular in recent years. Only the Zohar emphasizes the importance of this practice. It’s repeated there dozens of times.


With the haskama of Rav Moshe Shapiro zt”l I encourage people to learn this way themselves whenever possible.


When we can’t, next best is to sponsor someone who can. The ideal subject of learning after chatzos is Kabbala.


$1500 will sponsor a talmid chochom learning kabbala in Yeshivas Rashbi for a month.

Stealth Kollel

Twenty years ago a colleague in the Mir discovered a number of talmidei chachomim struggling financially who refused to receive tzedaka. He outsmarted them.


They were invited to join a Shabbos kollel paying them nicely for learning they were doing anyway wherever they want. Donors don’t know the recipients, and the recipients don’t even know they’re receiving tzedaka. This is the Stealth Kollel.


Stealthily supporting thirty world class talmidei chachomim learning in Yerushalayim. The most ideal form of tzedaka, as stipulated in Bava Basra 9a.


There are no expenses and no advertising. 100% tzedaka.


Sponsoring one avrech for a month is $1000. But donations of any size are warmly welcomed.