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Category: Taste of Tamid

It’s Shovevim Man

It’s Shovevim Man

You’ve got hostages to rescue


Possibly billions

One week down

How many have you freed?

Some say it requires an army


Reb Elimelech says

צריך האדם להיות בשמחה


Is built on subtleties


Chanuka Celebrates The Menora

Chanuka Celebrates The Menora

Or maybe the entire Beis Hamikdash

Why then do we emphasize חנוכת המזבח of all things

Both in today’s Kriyas HaTorah and in Ma’oz Tzur?

Zos Chanuka Sameach

Start The Darkest Month

Start The Darkest Month

With a candle

For רבי מאיר בעל הנס

Say אלהא דמאיר ענני

Birchas Kohanim

Beyond time and space

להדליק בעל הנס

שעשה נסים ענני

Chanuka For Real

Chanuka For Real

What if you only have eight lights for the entire Chanuka?

Most say, light one each night.

Some say, save all eight for the last night.

Rav Shteiman says, one the first, two the second, three the third, and trust in Hashem.

Chanuka Sameach!

Chanuka Blowout Made Easy

Chanuka Blowout Made Easy

1-Loshon Hora

2-Goyish Books

3-Or Music

4-Or Culture

5-Or Recreation


7-Use Goyish Name

8-Get Drunk


10-Bitul Torah

11-Dreidel With Peh

12-Unfiltered Devices

13-Partial Bowing In Davening

14-Tzitzis Tucked In

15-Pegam Bris


17-Turbo Shema

Chanuka Victory List available upon request.

Chanuka Sameach!

On Chanukah We Celebrate

On Chanukah We Celebrate

The miraculous menorah activity

At least the Rambam feels that way

Most Jews do too

All other holidays

Are based on miracles

That were critical for our survival

Chanuka doesn’t fit

Celebration seems unwarranted

We don’t create holidays

For all our miracles

We’d never have any down time

Yaakov Avinu Had His Reasons

Yaakov Avinu Had His Reasons

Bowed to Esav

And called him master

Mordechai was Yaakov

And Haman Esav

Didn’t bow

And not his master

Why not?

Love At First Sight

Love At First Sight

Yaakov Avinu falls for it


Check again

ויהי כאשר ראה יעקב את רחל

Vayehi is an expression of pain

Love came later

What brought it out?

Another One Bites The Dust

Another One Bites The Dust

Marriage and burial

Equalized by chesed

Long Live The King